Training on business plan development as a support to Roma employment


The programme to support Roma employment has been created within „We are here together – European Support for Roma Inclusion“ project financed by the European Union and implemented by OSCE Mission to Serbia.

The programme, implemented in partnership with the Group for Development Initiative – SeConS, is aimed at supporting enterprises/initiatives that can provide sustainable employment for Roma through:

– Equipment, durable goods, machinery, appliances, tools, etc;

– Consultancy support for improving their business capacities in the area identified by the enterprises to ensure their sustainable growth and development;

– Vocational training for newly employed Roma in the form of professional training, occupational training and other courses, as well as training that will enable new employees to fit in and increase the sustainability of their jobs.


Following the mapping of current good practices in the employment of Roma (successful Roma employment initiatives, entrepreneurs, and self-employed Roma) in early 2014, trainings for 48 enterprises/initiatives were organised in Kragujevac, Belgrade and Fruska gora, to improve the participants’ knowledge of elements and development of business plans.

The trainings addressed the questions of why a business plan is important, when it is needed, how to develop it, as well as which products to sell, to whom and how. The participants were also introduced with the elements of enterprise organisational structure, legislative framework for doing business and the importance of competition. In addition to this, a part of the training was devoted to costs, investment needs, budget, financial flows and opeartive plans for business plan implementation.

The final selection of the best practices in Roma employment to be supported is expected in September 2014, when the signing of the first contract with beneficiaries will take place.

Glasnik br. 1 (pdf)


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