United in diversity: Zrenjanin


On Wednesday 7 May 2014 the manifestation “European Village”, organised within the celebration of Europe Day in Zrenjanin, was a true example of the European Union motto “united in diversity”. “Zrenjanin and Vojvodina together make a great example of this motto, and this should remain so throughout Serbia’s EU path,” said Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Oskar Benedikt.

For the third year in a row, pupils of 22 primary schools of the Zrenjanin municipality, organised EU Member States’ culture and customs presentation: this way, visitors gathered in the crowded town square could tour each of the EU Member States, set up in tents, talk to pupils who had prepared maps, traditional products, or national costumes.

At the opening event, Mayor of Zrenjanin Ivan Bošnjak underlined that “European Village” is aimed at bringing everyone, especially young people, closer to Serbia’s current path – the EU path – as well as showing the basic European values and culture. “This is the best image of Zrenjanin, Banat, and Serbia as well,” said Bošnjak.

On behalf of the EU Delegation Oskar Benedikt expressed pleasure over the “remarkable image seen on the stands representing European countries,” and thanked the pupils and organisers. Basic EU principle is “united in diversity: this is exactly what we have seen here in the square. Serbia is on the EU path, whereas Zrenjanin is nearly there,” said Benedikt.

Greece Deputy Ambassador Joanis Joanidis stressed that his country has been supporting this successful project from the beginning. “Greece has been rather supportive towards Serbia and its EU integration, in this respect we have encouraged an intercultural dialogue. The aim of this project is that young people learn about EU values,” he said and announced the visit of 40 pupils from Zrenjanin to Belgrade, so as to  tour the Greek Embassy and other interesting buildings, in cooperation with the EU Delegation.

The youngest residents of Zrenjanin served their fellow citizens French cheese, Slovak candies, danced Sirtaki and Rumanian Hora, sang Italian canzoni, etc. Apart from the Member States’ representatives, EU Info Centre was also present at the event, with its stand and publications.

Manifestation opening was also attended by Swedish Ambassador to Serbia Christer Asp, Science Attaché of the Italian Embassy Paolo Battineli, Consular General of Croatia Dragan Djurić, as well as Director of the French Institute in Novi Sad Anne-Claire Noël.


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