With EUR 4.3 bn Serbia the EIB’s main beneficiary in the Western Balkans


Serbia has been the main beneficiary of the loans given by European Investment Bank (EIB), as it received 4.3 billion euros since 2001. The largest amount, 36%, has been invested in transport sector and 34% were loans for small and medium enterprises (SME). Industry was boosted by 12 % and health and education by seven percent of the total amount.

In last four years, the EIB finaced projects in strategic infrastructure sector in Serbia such is 579 million euros for E-75 and E-80 motorways on Corridor X,  160 million euros for Belgrade City Sava Bridge and 100 million euros in road rehabilitation an safety.

The EIB has also provided a 500 million loan to Fiat Small Cars Serbia project and a 60-million euro loan tranche to support auto suppliers.

However, financing SME has been one of the priority objectives of the EIB Group since 2005 in order to facilitate access to finance for SMEs at better financial conditions.

Some 736 million euros have been invested into financing projects promoted by small and medium-sized enterprises and midcap companies.

In addition, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has invested 3.5 billion euros since 2009, out of which 40 % into infrastructure, 26% in financial institutions, including investments in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, 17% in industry, commerce and agribusiness and 16 % in energy.

The EIB and EBRD have also been part of Western Balkans Enterprise Development & Inovation Facility (EDIF), a joint initiative within the context of Western Balkans Investment Framework, which also includeds European Commission and European Investment Fund (EIF).

EDIF is the initiative which aims at increasing the financial resources made available to SMEs based in the Western Balkans, as well as technical assistance for strategic investments, particularly in infrastructure, energy efficiency and private sector development, to support socio-economic development and EU accession across the region.


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