Youth of Serbia and Kosovo* Together Online


Outcomes of the LAJK IT – Promoting Intercultural Dialogue between Communities in Serbia and Kosovo Project and web portal, funded by the EU within the programme of support to civil society were presented in the presence of representatives of organisations from Serbia and Kosovo, participants in the project, partners and media.

Media and guests were addressed by Jelena Spasojevic, Project Manager (UG Libero) by saying that the Project “LAJK IT” had created as youth’s desire to change the society we live in through the virtual world.

She mentioned some of the activities implemented in the past year and added that as a result, there were many young people from Belgrade, Pristina, Novi Pazar, Kamenica, Vranje and Prizren who were empowered to make part of intercultural dialogue.

Also, the results is portal where the young create contents which break down barriers of prejudices and stereotypes among different nationalities. Then there is the Guide for Organisations, wishing to deal with this topic through online activism, but also a follow-up plan to transform online conflict through engagement of a large number of youth organisations from across Europe into one international network.

lajk-it-pazar-1Ariana Demolli, Project Coordinator (Kosovo Law Centre) said that they were happy with the work and participation in the project, that the schools were up for cooperation and that the young found interesting the fact that they could create contents for the promotion of intercultural dialogue all by themselves. “The responsiveness was great and the project was well accepted in Kosovo,” she added.

Dzemaludin Paucinac, Project Associate and Coordinator of the Youth Office in Novi Pazar, spoke about the cooperation with UG Liber established in 2010 and said he was pleased to see the youth from Novi Pazar take part in these activities. He also added that he was particularly pleased that one of the winners of the video contest was the Novi Pazar team.

On this occasion, the young who won most votes were presented with awards for the best video promoting positive values among young people in Serbia and Kosovo. Participants were young leaders from Novi Pazar, Prizren, Belgrade, Pristina, Kamenica and Vranje and as many as 12 of them actually won awards – tablets, to stimulate them to continue their engagement in online activism and promotion of intercultural dialogue among different ethnic and religious groups in Serbia and Kosovo.

Project “LAJK IT” is implemented by organisations Libero, Kosovo Law Centre, Kosovo Young Lawyers and Citizens’ Association BUM, and funded by European Union within Support to Civil Society 2013, Ministry of Culture and Office for Cooperation with Civil Society.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence


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