Zbogar Sees No Obstacles to Formation of Community of Serb Municipalities


Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo* should be formed in late 2015, said EU Special Representative to Kosovo Samuel Zbogar.

In his statement to Tanjug Agency, ahead of panel “Kosovo and Serbia – How Long before Normalisation“ held within Fifth Security Forum, Zbogar said he saw no obstacles to formation of Community of Serb Municipalities despite resistance from opposition and public opinion in Kosovo.

“A regulation is currently being prepared in Kosovo Government and we are assured that they are ready to move forward and adopt it, as agreed in Brussels. We see no obstacles here and we are not worried about this not happening,“ Zbogar said.

However, he noted, Kosovo Government faces many difficulties with opposition and public opinion as regards the Community and what it represented; however, it could not stop it from happening.

“It might make the formation more difficult, but I think it cannot suspend adoption of regulation and formation of the Community because Government nevertheless holds two thirds of Kosovo Parliament,” Zbogar said.

When it comes to normalisation of relations between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo, Zbogar believes that much work has already been done by signing Brussels Agreement, holding of mayoral elections recognised by both Belgrade and Pristina, police forces and, very soon, Justice integration…

“Still, more work lies ahead; only did we reach a deal in Brussels, all of a sudden Djuric is forbidden to visit Kosovo, while Serbia opposes Kosovo’s bid to become member of UNESCO or some sport association,” Zbogar said. According to him, these actions send mixed signals to people in Kosovo on both sides.

“Maybe we should take discussions to a lower level, in addition to Brussels dialogue, and increase cooperation among young people who know little about each other apart from bad things they hear and have no experience of coexistence,” Zbogar said.

As a good example, he named cooperation between Kosovo and Serbian chambers of commerce.

“Only today did we hold a meeting. Numerous Serbian companies came to Agricultural Fair in Pristina. Should there be more cooperation and normal relations such as this one, people would clearly see that we are moving forward to normalisation,” Zbogar told Tanjug Agency.


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


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