Author EUinfo Admin

Project Activities
EU flood relief weekly update

The provision of grants to more than 250 micro and small enterprises in municipalities hardest affected by the floods is underway. The delivery of equipment and raw material for restoring of the income generation activities is being conducted at the moment. Within this lot, greenhouses will be delivered to the selected agriculture entrepreneurs, while equipment and raw material will be provided to the affected businesses.Panic family in Valjevo received new equipment for its restaurant.


The EU Delegation is surprised by the report in today’s issue of Informer entitled “EU and Serbian Radical Party (SRS) supporter working together to prove censorship in Serbia”.

Project Activities
Experience and perspectives in organising credit mobility

Foundation Tempus – Erasmus+ Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and EU Info Centre in Belgrade, organises a session titled “Experience and perspectives in organising credit mobility” on Thursday, 19 February 2015, at 12:00 in Dom omladine Beograda, 1 Decanska Street (Americana Hall).

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