Author EUinfo Admin

Project Activities
Experienced Mentors As Resource for Support to New ones

Activities of the European Support for the Inclusion of Roma, financed by the European Union and carried out by the OSCE Mission in Serbia, include support to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in establishing and reinforcing a program aimed at prevention of the dropping out of school by Roma secondary school students.

Project Activities
Farmers in Trstenik receive EU agricultural assistance to flood-affected farm households

EU and FAO officials delivered in Trstenik European Union assistance to 469 small-scale farms and total of 150 metric tons of animal feed as the first part from 8-million euro worth EU agricultural assistance to flood-affected Serbian farm households. Farmers in Trstenik were among the first to receive the EU assistance, as trucks carrying animal feed reached the town.

Project Activities
EU-funded housing reconstruction and economic revitalisation starts in another eight municipalities

The three-million euros EU-funded project entitled “Provision of housing reconstruction and economic revitalisation to most vulnerable flood-affected families in Serbia”, financed from the EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia, begins in September in eight municipalities of the western Serbia. Citizens of Sabac, Sid, Bajina Basta, Loznica, Mali Zvornik, Valjevo, Ljubovija and Osecina hit the most by floods will get renewed homes, but also the chance to relaunch their businesses.

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