The European Union is the biggest donor for flood relief in the Republic of Serbia as it has thus far made available more than EUR150 million through its Solidarity Fund and pre-accession assistance instruments in the aftermath of May 2014 floods. EU assistance has so far reached more than 60 000 citizens in 32 towns and municipalities through projects of construction and reconstruction of houses, rehabilitation of public buildings, as well as support to farmers and small businesses.
I will never forget the scenes of the floods across Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia: a deluge of rain of truly Biblical proportions which within a matter of hours wrought the greatest damage there since the region’s terrible wars of the 1990s. Now back from my visit to the region, my heart is full of sorrow for the people who have lost relatives, homes and livelihoods, but also admiration for the courage and kindness they have shown over the last week – and a strong determination to mobilise more help for the thousands of people who need it.