Browsing: EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia

The European Union is the biggest donor for flood relief in the Republic of Serbia as it has thus far made available more than EUR150 million through its Solidarity Fund and pre-accession assistance instruments in the aftermath of May 2014 floods. EU assistance has so far reached more than 60 000 citizens in 32 towns and municipalities through projects of construction and reconstruction of houses, rehabilitation of public buildings, as well as support to farmers and small businesses.

Project Activities
European Union finances Trstenik’s water supply system renewal

The European Union Ambassador to Serbia Michael Davenport paid a visit to ongoing water supply system reconstruction works in Trstenik, that suffered damage during May 2014 floods. Rehabilitation of three filtration lakes at the “Staro korito” wellspring, supplying drinking water to some 15.000 residents of the Municipality, is financed by European Union with 192.400 euros.

Project Activities
EU flood relief weekly update

Twenty-three new houses in Obrenovac, Krupanj, Paraćin, Gornji Milanovac, Bajina Bašta, Šid and Mionica have been constructed so far, while 612 flood affected homes have been renovated in Obrenovac, Krupanj, Kraljevo, Lazarevac, Svilajnac, Trstenik, Varvarin, Valjevo, Mali Zvornik, Ljubovija, Šabac, Bajina Bašta, Šid, Loznica, Smederevska Palanka, Velika Plana, Čačak, Ub, Koceljeva, Jagodina and Paraćin.

Project Activities
EU flood relief weekly update

Twelve new houses in Obrenovac, Krupanj, Paraćin and Mionica have been constructed so far, while 429 flood affected homes have been renovated in Obrenovac, Krupanj, Smederevska Palanka,Velika Plana, Čačak, Ub, Jagodina, Paraćin, Osečina, Šabac, Bajina Bašta, Šid, Loznica and Mionica.

Project Activities
Seven new houses built in Obrenovac by European Union

Seven families from Obrenovac who lost their homes to May floods, were given keys to their new houses, built and furnished thanks to EU funds. Apart from the reconstruction of primary and secondary schools, renovation of over 100 houses and other assistance, the EU also finance the construction of another two houses in Obrenovac, due for completion by the end of 2014.

Project Activities
European Union reconstruct houses and donate furniture to families in Smederevska Palanka

EU Ambassador to Serbia Michael Davenport and Serbian government Office for Reconstruction and Flood Relief Director Marko Blagojevic visited three EU-funded households, reconstructed after being damaged in the May 2014 floods. They also delivered furniture and appliances to these families. Through its EU Assistance for Flood Relief programme, European Union have allocated some 350.000 euros to finance the reconstruction and construction of 23 houses, and provide support to three enterprises and some 700 agricultural producers in Smederevska Palanka.

Project Activities
EU flood relief weekly update

Seven new houses in Obrenovac, Krupanj and Paraćin have been constructed so far, while 331 flood affected homes have been renovated in Obrenovac, Krupanj, Šabac, Bajina Bašta, Šid, Loznica, Smederevska Palanka, Velika Plana, Čačak, Ub and Koceljeva.

Project Activities
EU flood relief weekly update

The first house funded by the European Union is fully constructed in the Village of Krasava, Krupanj; reconstruction of 282 private houses in Krupanj, Obrenovac, Kraljevo, Osečina, Šabac, Bajina Bašta, Smederevska Palanka, Velika Plana, Čačak, Koceljeva and Paraćin is completed.

Project Activities
EU flood relief weekly update

The reconstruction of 216 private houses in Krupanj, Obrenovac and Kraljevo is completed so far. The process of reparation and construction of private dwellings is underway for some 600 families throughout 24 municipalities mostly affected by floods. Depending upon the weather conditions, the completion of this intervention is expected in December 2014 – January 2015.

Project Activities
EU flood relief weekly update

More than 200 micro and small businesses in 24 municipalities mostly affected by the floods were selected to receive support through income generating activities. In the next period, these entrepreneurs will receive construction material to reconstruct their facilities, as well as equipment and process material to restore the production.

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