The European Union is the biggest donor for flood relief in the Republic of Serbia as it has thus far made available more than EUR150 million through its Solidarity Fund and pre-accession assistance instruments in the aftermath of May 2014 floods. EU assistance has so far reached more than 60 000 citizens in 32 towns and municipalities through projects of construction and reconstruction of houses, rehabilitation of public buildings, as well as support to farmers and small businesses.
Head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport and Director of Government Office for Reconstruction and Flood Relief Marko Blagojevic, visited the construction works in Paracin, carried out on houses of families whose homes were destroyed in May 2014 floods. Through EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia Programme, the EU have allocated some 1.057.000 euros for the reconstruction and construction of a total of 57 damaged houses, reconstruction of two high schools and support to 660 agricultural producers.